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Ready to take the plunge and begin making a difference in your community?


Self-paced and in person options available to fit your schedule and needs.

  • Gospel-Centered

    Spanish-language course with a focus on church life, mission work, and cross cultural understandings centering on the Gospel.

  • Self-Paced Format

    Complete weekly learning modules and listening, reading, and speaking assignments on your schedule.

  • Spanish for Liturgy

    Begin to engage with the Daily Office in Spanish with the Spanish for Liturgy and Spanish for Ministry courses


  • I've never taken Spanish before, is there a class that would work for me?

    Absolutely! We have Spanish for Ministry for absolute beginners or those who need a refresher with liturgical language. There are also Spanish for Liturgy courses if you're just looking to learn to pronounce liturgical Spanish.

  • I'm interested in learning liturgical Spanish, will this course cover that?

    Yes! There are additional courses coming for specifically for liturgical Spanish, including Morning Prayer, mass, and pastoral offices.

  • Are courses online only?

    There are two options: 1) Self-Paced, where course materials will be released weekly with videos and assignments for you to complete on your schedule, or 2) In Class, in which you will learn and speak with other students. The online course work will be available to both options.

  • Are courses immersion-based?

    Zoom courses are taught via immersion as much as possible, but online course work does include English for explaining grammar points.

  • Will I be granted continuing education credit?

    A certificate will be awarded at the conclusion of coursework and can be applied for continuing education hours, though no formal credits for university are able to be awarded.

  • When do courses meet?

    For Fall 2023, classes meet on Mondays and Wednesdays at 2pm EST. There is also a self-paced option with videos and coursework that can be done when you have time.

  • How long are courses?

    For Fall 2023, the classes are 10 week intensives, meeting twice per week with an optional Friday conversation or cultural lesson.

Ready to Make an Impact?

Minister to your Spanish-speaking neighbors and equip yourself to create lasting connection.